Low water pressure is a common reason for scheduling a household plumbing inspection. Low water pressure can be a big problem, preventing household appliances like dish and clothes washers from functioning properly and becoming an annoyance for family members. The lower pressure could be related to several problems, and these 5 top the list of the most common reasons for water pressure reduction.
1. Valve Issues
You can check your water valves before scheduling a home plumbing inspection. The problem may be that your meter line has been turned off for some reason and then partially opened afterward. Similarly, the main valve leading into your home should be checked to ascertain that it is fully open and working properly.
2. Blocked Pipes
Older pipes can be clogged internally. As pipes age, rust and corrosion take place in your metal pipes, slowly blocking the flow of water. It takes many years for the blockage to occur, and your water pressure will slowly lose pressure for most of that time. Replacing old pipes not only improves your water pressure but also makes your water healthier by removing potential contaminants.
3. Water Leaks
A water leak can cause everything from a loss of pressure to a complete loss of flow. Large leaks may result in a lot of damage very quickly, so schedule a plumbing inspection as soon as you notice a loss of pressure or unusual wet spots in the home or yard. Leaks may be the worst type of plumbing problem because they often lead to other damages as well.
4. External Issues
Low water pressure may not be related to anything in your home. Local utilities will occasionally lose pressure due to infrastructure improvements, auto accidents, or other external circumstances. Contact the water company before you schedule a home inspection to make sure the problem is really yours. If it is a utility issue, they should be able to give you an idea of how long the problem will last.
5. Pressure Regulator Failure
Some homes are equipped with a water pressure regulator. This device maintains pressure coming into your home, often boosting what is available from the local utility company. When it fails, a pressure regulator can cause severe fluctuations in water pressure, and replacement is the most common solution.
Low Water Pressure
It may be no problem at all, but it does have the potential to cause expensive damage. Scheduling a plumbing inspection will find the source of the problem and you may have your water pressure back to normal in as little as a single day.
Ehret Co. Plumbing & Heating
Ehret Co. Plumbing & Heating provides 24/7 household plumbing services for homes and multifamily buildings. We pride ourselves on our professional and quality work. Contact us through our online contact form or call us at 510-528-4292 for residential plumbing services any time, any day of the week.